Twenty five years ago when I was a struggling single mom and broke, my church provided bunches of Christmas presents for my kids and I. It was hard to accept those gifts and a very humbling experience. I couldn't believe the Lord blessed our little family so much that year.
Tuesday night I had the privilege of taking part in providing Christmas for a single mom and her four kids. It was an honor to take Christmas to this family. It also brought back many memories. I wanted to tell that mom that life gets better when you allow the Lord to be in control. I wanted to explain that I knew I how hard it was to accept the generosity of others. But I knew that she was to overwhelmed too hear those words right now.
Tuesday night brought tears to my eyes. It was special to represent the loving arms of God and our church family. But there was another reason it was special. The teenager in this family finally connected with me. I have been waiting patiently and not so patiently sometimes, to form a relationship with this beautiful young lady. Tuesday night when we got there, she left the room. I was a little disappointed as I wanted her to take part in this family event.
In a few minutes she returned and handed me a folded piece of paper. It was a homemade Christmas card. She had gone in her room and made me a Christmas card. Imagine that? It was in pencil and she had put my name on it and then signed it. It is the most special card I have received this year. I am treasuring it everyday. By the time I returned home, this teen had already sent me a Facebook friend request. We are now officially connected. I look forward to mentoring her and being her friend.
We never know what the Lord is doing with our lives, our experiences, our hurts and pain. But I know if we allow Him, He will use every part of our lives for His glory. For me it's been many years to be able to replicate the experience my kids and I had. I pray this single mom stay close to the Lord and that one day she will be able to pass the kindness forward.